Roses PNG

Free Roses PNG Pictures Clipart


In the Roses PNG category, you can find clipart images of Roses with different form and color with high-resolution and on a transparent background. Roses are an element suitable for any kind of design, and depending on the color of the rose, you can also send an appropriate message. For example, Red rose is the symbol of love, it can be used in projects related to romance, Valentine’s Day, Love messages and many more. The White Rose symbolizes purity, innocence, incompetence and it's also extremely appropriate for wedding designs, cards about newborns and more. The Pink Rose is a symbol of total happiness, sophistication, elegance and tenderness, however it also bears a sign of secret love. Designs with pink roses are made for Valentine’s Day, anniversary or wedding and other holidays. The Yellow Roses were a sign of jealousy in the past, but in present days it is seen as a sign of friendship and sympathy. The Yellow Roses are appropriate as an addition to different colored roses or other flowers in a different type of design or projects. Purple Roses are a symbol of majestic glory and eternal love, they are suitable for wedding designs, anniversary occasions for older ladies and more. Peach colored roses symbolizes modesty, gratitude, admiration and sympathy. Peach roses are suitable for designs or business cards for customers and partners. Orange roses symbolize enthusiasm, charm passion and energy, which makes them extremely suitable for different designs.

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